Hair Loss Treatments in Denver

Hair Loss & Lost Confidence Go Hand-in-Hand: Get Treatment

A woman examines her hair loss in the mirror

Hair loss can be detrimental to your self-confidence, making it challenging to manage work, social outings, relationships, and more. We never want a patient of ours to suffer from any sort of low self-esteem. From our laser restoration program to PRP injections and custom topical preparations, we perform a wide variety of hair loss treatments in Denver at The Longevity Lab. If hair loss is bothering you, we can help.

Our Hair Loss Treatments

Listed below are our hair loss treatments. Later, we’ll delve into the details of each one to help you learn which option might work best for your individual needs and hair goals. It’s often beneficial to combine 2 or more of these treatments to address your hair loss from a variety of angles.

Select one of the following treatments to jump to that section of this blog.

Hair Loss & Lost Confidence

Hair loss is no joke, even though it’s sometimes made out to be. Hair can be attached to one’s sense of self and identity, and losing it may be traumatic. The shame and lack of understanding surrounding hair loss make it challenging to speak up and get treatment.

At The Longevity Lab, our mission is to support the longevity of our patients through preventative and restorative medicine. For us, longevity is about much more than living a longer life; it’s a long life that’s also comfortable, fulfilling, and unrestrained. Hair loss can impede these goals.

A survey on male hair loss revealed that most participants viewed balding males as older, less attractive, less confident, duller, and less potent. These observations, while unfounded stereotypes, still result in significant stress for those experiencing hair loss.

If you’ve ever skipped a party, stayed out of the spotlight at work, or been fearful of going on a date because of your hair loss, you know what we’re talking about. Feeling positively about the way you look can open doors and lead to opportunities you may not have known about. That’s why our team helps people feel more confident in their appearance and social lives through hair loss treatments in Denver.

Changing the Hair Restoration Status Quo

Many people assume their only hair restoration options are surgical, like hair transplants, for instance. While a hair transplant can be effective, they are also costly in terms of time, money, and energy. With a hair transplant, you may be recovering for over a month and risk rejection.

For these reasons, we offer several noninvasive and minimally invasive hair restoration treatments to our patients. We prioritize their efficacy and your comfort. These treatments also address hair loss from the inside out for a more holistic, regenerative approach to restoration.

A medical provider explains the offered hair loss treatments in Chicago


Reasons to Seek Hair Loss Treatment

To prevent further hair loss

Hair loss is much easier to prevent than it is to restore for several reasons:

  • Inactive hair follicles

When baldness occurs, the hair follicles have often become dormant or completely inactive. Once follicles stop working, they no longer produce hair, which makes it more challenging to stimulate regrowth. In some cases, the follicles have completely died off, making natural regrowth impossible.

  • Permanent follicle damage

Over time, untreated hair loss can lead to scarring in the scalp tissue, especially in conditions like scarring alopecia. This scarring damages the follicles and surrounding tissues, preventing future hair growth. Once the damage is permanent, most treatments are ineffective.

  • Diminished blood supply

In areas of long-term baldness, the blood supply to the scalp may decrease. Blood flow is essential for delivering nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles, which are critical for hair growth. Additionally, reduced blood supply makes it more difficult to stimulate the remaining follicles.

If you’re in the early stages of hair loss, now is the best time to seek hair loss treatments in Denver.

To learn about the underlying cause

Nutritional or hormonal deficiencies may be contributing to your hair loss, making it beneficial to your overall health to understand the underlying causes of your concerns. For example, if your testosterone levels are low, resolving that deficiency may also improve your energy levels, sexual wellness, and body composition while also treating your hair loss.

Without medical attention, the underlying cause of your hair loss could potentially worsen over time, leading to new or more severe symptoms.

To gain confidence

Don’t let shame or self-neglect run your life; you deserve to feel secure in your appearance. Some people, especially men, feel that addressing their hair loss or tending to their looks is unnecessary. But positive self-esteem can do wonders for your longevity.

A recent publication from the American Psychological Association reported that high self-esteem consistently results in “more satisfying relationships, performing better at school and work, enjoying improved mental and physical health, and refraining from antisocial behavior.”

Noninvasive Hair Restoration Treatments

At The Longevity Lab, you’ll find a wide variety of noninvasive treatments for an array of conditions; hair restoration is no exception.

A close up of Nutrafol, a hair loss treatment, at a wellness center in Chicago


Nutrafol Hair Supplements

Nutrafol is a leading hair loss supplement manufacturer with significant investments in clinical research. Over the course of 19 clinical trials, Nutrafol has seen an incredible record of success:

  • 93% of women felt their hair looked healthier after 6 months.
  • 98% of women saw improvement in their hairline after 4 months.
  • 84% of men saw significant overall improvement after 6 months.

Nutrafol supplements contain natural ingredients that target common causes of hair loss and promote hair health. Using an entirely science-based approach, Nutrafol has developed a variety of products to address a range of unique needs.

For example, women’s supplements are separated into 4 categories. One supplement is for women aged 18–44, another is for those who are postpartum, the next is for women on a plant-based diet, and finally they have a supplement crafted for women who are 45+ and menopausal.

Nutrafol Treatment Details

Nutrafol supplements are a simple treatment. Generally, patients take their supplement twice a day for a minimum of a year. Keep in mind, treating hair loss takes time. You are likely to start seeing results after 3 months.
If you’re interested in hair loss treatments in Denver, like Nutrafol, The Longevity Lab would be happy to help!

Hair Growth Serums

Our hair growth serums are ideal for people with thinning or mild hair loss. It is also a great alternative to more invasive treatments. These nutrient-rich serums target the hair at its root, providing the fuel it needs to grow. For maximum hair restoration, we recommend combining a serum with another treatment.

Hair Growth Serum Treatment Details

To administer hair growth serum, apply it in small drops to clean hair near your roots. Then, massage the serum into your scalp, being careful to keep the product against the skin rather than spreading it throughout your hair. For maximum absorption, don’t wash your hair for at least a few hours; consider applying it before bed to let it work overnight.

Minimally Invasive Hair Restoration Treatments

At The Longevity Lab, we perform several minimally invasive treatments for our hair restoration patients.


KeraLase is one of the leading hair loss treatments in Denver. We use the LaseMD Ultra laser to create micro-channels in the scalp, forming direct pathways to the foundation of your hair. Next, we’ll add KeraFactor—a proprietary formula of growth factors and proteins needed to regrow hair—to your scalp.

KeraLase Treatment Details

This treatment takes less than 30 minutes and requires no downtime. You may feel a warm, tingling sensation during the laser procedure, but it shouldn’t be painful. Once we’ve created the micro-channels, your provider will gently massage KeraFactor into your scalp.

We recommend getting a KeraLase treatment 6 times, once every 2 weeks, for maximum regrowth. After 12 weeks, many of our patients notice a significant improvement in their hair’s thickness.

Close up of an injection for a hair loss treatment in Chicago


PRP Hair Restoration

A PRP scalp injection can effectively prevent hair loss and thicken your hair shafts. PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. It’s packed with growth factors and healing cells which reduce inflammation, mend injuries, and improve overall health throughout the body.

Obtained from your own blood plasma, the PRP used in hair restoration treatment is customized to your biology for maximum results. This also eliminates any concern of disease transfer or rejection.

PRP Hair Restoration Treatment Details

PRP hair restoration does not require any anesthesia or downtime and takes less than an hour and a half. The Longevity Lab has seen its effectiveness first hand. If you are interested in PRP hair restoration or other hair loss treatments in Denver, you can contact us online.

Vitamin Injections

The average diet doesn’t contain sufficient vitamin levels, which are crucial for your body to adequately function. And even if you consume the correct amount of vitamins, your body doesn’t always process and store them efficiently. By injecting vitamins directly into the bloodstream, they become available to your body right away.

Preventative treatments, like vitamin injections, can mitigate the eventual need for costly reactive treatments like a hair transplant. Vitamin injections treat foundational deficiencies using a precise blend of vitamins and nutrients for metabolic health, weight management, mental clarity, energy levels, and skin and hair health.

Vitamin Injection Treatment Details

At The Longevity Lab, we offer NAD+, B-12 shots, Glutathione, CJC, and BioBoost. Our staff can discuss your health concerns and goals with you to decide which injection will best suit your needs.

The boost a vitamin injection will provide can stimulate fat loss, strengthen your immune system, and increase energy on a daily basis. If these benefits are appealing to you, it would be beneficial to meet with one of our specialists.

A woman enjoys the reflection of her restored hair


Regain Hair & Confidence at The Longevity Lab

The Longevity Lab is a judgment-free environment ready to take on your hair restoration needs. The best way to learn which hair loss treatments in Denver would be best for you is to come in for a consultation.

Book Online

To further explore your treatment options at The Longevity Lab, try our Treatment Planner. This tool allows you to add your concerns and submit them to us, so we can get started developing a customized treatment plan for you.

Try Our Treatment Planner

Further Reading: Hair Thinning Solutions: FAQ | Your Hair Restoration Options