Skin Rejuvenation Near Greenwood Village

Transform Your Skin With the Seasons

A woman performs Skin Rejuvenation Near Greenwood Village

You’ve spent extra time under the sun’s rays this summer, and while sunny days are the best, they’re also damaging to your skin. Now that the sun is resting and the leaves are changing, it’s the perfect time for skin rejuvenation near Greenwood Village at The Longevity Lab.

RF microneedling is the perfect post-summer skin rejuvenation treatment. It’s refreshing after all that sun exposure, and it helps your skin get picture-perfect for the holiday season! Check out the details of this treatment below.

Reverse Damage From the Summer Sun

Sun damage often results in photoaging caused by exposure to UV radiation. Even though you can’t see or feel UV, it can penetrate your skin’s surface. Once it reaches the dermis, it damages the collagen structures that keep your skin healthy.

RF Microneedling for Skin Rejuvenation

Our Exion device can treat a plethora of skin concerns. Its RF microneedling treatment is particularly great for addressing sun damage and photoaging. This procedure uses radiofrequency and fine needles to stimulate incredible collagen production. It can improve the following skin concerns:

  • Sagging skin
  • Small fat pockets
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Wrinkles
  • Stretch marks

Be Picture-Perfect for the Holidays

From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve, many big holidays are just around the corner. That means gatherings, reunions, and pictures are too. If you’d love to look your absolute best by the time these events come around, book your skin rejuvenation treatment before it’s too late!

A woman with incredible skin because of skin rejuvenation near Greenwood Village


Rejuvenate Your Skin at The Longevity Lab This Fall

To learn more about the treatments that can reverse the signs of sun damage and support your skin’s health, read our blog all about Exion: The Ultimate Skin Solution. For a personalized look at which treatments would be best for you, check out our treatment planning tool below.

Treatment Planner

Don’t forget, we offer much more than skin rejuvenation near Greenwood Village. You’ll also find wellness treatments and cosmetic injections like Botox at The Longevity Lab.

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