Wrinkle Treatments in Denver

A Guide to Our Wrinkle Treatments: Treat Wrinkles With Ease

Close up of a woman receiving a wrinkle treatment in Denver

No one wants to look in the mirror and find themselves unrecognizable. What if we told you we could restore the face you remember? At The Longevity Lab, we perform a variety of wrinkle treatments in Denver which address a wide range of concerns and severities.

Whether your issue is fine lines, deep-set wrinkles, or sagging skin, we have something that can support your needs. From Botox and dermal filler to Emface and RF microneedling, you’ll find wrinkle solutions at The Longevity Lab.

Keep reading this blog to explore the wrinkle treatments available at our practice.

Our Wrinkle Treatments

Below is an overview of the treatments we perform. If you’d rather discuss your treatment options with a member of our staff, book a consultation today.

  • Biostimulators
  • Radiesse
  • Bellafill
  • Wrinkle Relaxers
  • Botox
  • Xeomin
  • Dermal Filler
  • Emface Facial Contouring
  • Exion RF microneedling
  • LaseMD Ultra™
  • Chemical Peels

How Wrinkle Treatment Works

Age, sun damage, weight loss, and much more all contribute to your skin’s health and appearance. Each wrinkle treatment we offer approaches the issue from a unique angle, as the condition of every person’s skin is a result of unique factors. Determining the cause of your wrinkles can help you decide which treatment will be most beneficial.

There are two main problems that create the appearance of wrinkles: losses in collagen and elastin levels, as well as losses in volume.

Collagen & Elastin Loss

Certain causes are universal to anyone who ages. Fine lines and wrinkles that result from your skin’s diminishing health are related to your collagen and elastin levels. These proteins are the building blocks of your skin’s structure and make up nearly 80% of your skin.

Collagen actually weaves itself into a sort of scaffolding that supports your skin from the inside out. Elastin makes up a much smaller portion of your skin’s structure, but its role is critical; it provides the elasticity that enables your skin to hold its shape.

When collagen and elastin levels decrease, your skin loses its structure, leading to the wrinkles and laxity that we see in the mirror. As we age, our cells become less efficient at generating collagen and elastin. According to UCLA Health, certain lifestyle factors can also speed up the level of decline, including:

  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Exposure to environmental pollution
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Lack of exercise
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Smoking
  • Sun exposure

For these reasons, many wrinkle treatments in Denver work by increasing your collagen and elastin production. Over time, that boost in production begins to reverse the damage done to your skin’s health. Collagen and elastin reintegrate into the skin’s structure, making it younger on a cellular level.

A woman and her granddaughter looking outdoors


Volume Loss

Many people are unfamiliar with the role that volume loss plays in the look and texture of their skin. Volume loss primarily occurs due to age and weight loss. Collagen levels also play a role in the fullness of your skin.

For the same reason that aging decreases your skin’s health, your bones, muscles, and fat stores all typically decline too. Significant weight loss has the same effect. The resulting volume loss leaves excess skin with nothing to fill it out.

We often see the results of volume loss in the neck area. Sagging skin, double chins, and jowls are caused by volume loss. Therefore, we also perform an array of treatments that restore a natural amount of volume to tighten your skin.


Biostimulators are a category of injectable treatments that stimulate the body’s natural collagen production. They work by restoring lost volume and encouraging the skin to rebuild its support structures, resulting in smoother, firmer skin over time. The biostimulators used at The Longevity Lab are Radiesse and Bellafill; they can treat:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Sagging skin
  • Loose skin


Radiesse uses calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres to boost collagen production. It provides immediate volume and gradually stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, which helps in long-term wrinkle reduction.

Ideal for treating deeper wrinkles and volume loss in areas like the cheeks and nasolabial folds, Radiesse can provide lasting improvements with results visible for up to a year or more. For that reason, it’s one of our favorite wrinkle treatments in Denver.


Bellafill combines a collagen gel with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres. The collagen adds volume and lift right away, while the PMMA microspheres create a scaffold for your skin’s own collagen to grow around.

This approach makes Bellafill a long-lasting solution, reducing deep wrinkles and improving facial volume. In fact, the results from Bellafill can last for several years, making it a cost-effective option as you won’t need to return for frequent injections.

Close up of a woman receiving an injection to treat wrinkles


Wrinkle Relaxers

Wrinkle relaxers, also known as neuromodulators or neurotoxins, are another category of injectable treatment. They prevent fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing tension-causing muscles. We carry 2 wrinkle relaxers: Botox and Xeomin. Each brand has its own profile of benefits and can work better than the other for certain patients.


Botox is the most well-known and widely used treatment for wrinkles. It is ideal for dynamic wrinkles, which are those caused by muscle contractions. For example, frown lines come from frowning, and crow’s feet develop from squinting. Botox works by temporarily pausing wrinkle-causing muscles, leading to a smoother appearance and wrinkle prevention. It treats:

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Migraines
  • Twitching

How Botox Works

Botox is a neuromodulator containing botulinum toxin—a substance that prevents the release of the neurotransmitter responsible for muscle contractions. By injecting Botox into specific facial muscles, it keeps those muscles from contracting.

In turn, this softens the appearance of existing wrinkles and prevents dynamic wrinkles from forming. The results last for 3 to 6 months, after which treatment can be repeated. With each Botox treatment, you’ll likely notice your results lasting longer and longer.


Xeomin (ZEE-oh-min) is unique from other wrinkle-relaxers because of its higher purity and lower price. It treats:

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles

During manufacturing, Xeomin goes through a more intensive purification stage, making it the purest form of botulinum toxin type A on the market. As a result, the Xeomin formula contains zero additives.

Patients occasionally develop an immunity to Botox and see its effectiveness diminish over time. Xeomin is a suitable alternative, as it doesn’t contain the additives that lead to Botox resistance and has a more affordable price point.

How Xeomin Works

Xeomin, like Botox, contains botulinum toxin and works by preventing specific muscle movements. It reaches full effects in approximately 3 to 4 days, and the results last 3 to 5 months. Some patients feel Xeomin lasts longer for them than other neuromodulators.

Dermal Filler

Dermal fillers are another injectable treatment used to restore lost volume and smooth out wrinkles. Made of hyaluronic acid, dermal fillers add volume directly under the skin to firm the surrounding area. It can treat:

  • Sagging skin
  • Shallow contours
  • Dark circles
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that retains moisture and provides volume. This additional moisture can give the skin a healthy-looking glow. Dermal filler is one of the best wrinkle treatments in Denver for treating fine lines and adding volume to areas such as the lips and under the eyes.


Emface is a noninvasive treatment that combines radiofrequency and high-intensity facial electro stimulation (HIFES) energy to target facial muscles and skin. It uses these energies to lift underlying facial muscles and tighten the skin. Emface facial contouring is like a nonsurgical facelift. It can be used to treat the:

  • Forehead
  • Cheeks
  • Submentum (under the chin)

How Emface Works

Emface uses radiofrequency to heat the skin’s deeper layers, promoting collagen production, which improves your skin’s structure and health. The HIFES energy engages your facial muscles, providing a lifting effect and enhancing overall muscle tone. Emface is perfect for anyone looking for a nonsurgical option to address both skin laxity and wrinkles.

Close up of a woman undergoing an Emface facial contouring treatment to resolve wrinkles


Exion RF Microneedling

Exion RF microneedling pairs microneedling with radiofrequency energy to create the ultimate skin rejuvenation treatment. This advanced technology precisely targets deeper layers of the skin to trigger collagen and elastin production.

The benefits of this treatment include improved texture, a more even tone, and enhanced elasticity. It can treat:

  • Sagging skin
  • Small fat pockets
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Wrinkles
  • Stretch marks

How Exion RF Microneedling Works

Microneedling involves creating tiny, controlled injuries in the skin using small needles. This ignites the body’s natural healing response, generating more collagen and elastin. When combined with synchronized RF, the treatment is enhanced significantly. The RF energy heats the deeper layers of the skin, furthering collagen production for increased skin tightening.

LaseMD Ultra™

LaseMD Ultra is a laser skin resurfacing treatment that can improve your skin’s texture and tone, as well as generate a bright, healthy glow. This highly customizable device requires virtually no downtime and produces first-rate results. LaseMD Ultra treats:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Mild laxity
  • Sun damage
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne scars

How LaseMD Ultra Works

Not unlike Exion RF microneedling, LaseMD Ultra creates controlled micro-damage to the skin to stimulate your skin’s natural healing abilities. LaseMD Ultra is a fractional, non-ablative laser, meaning it only treats a fraction of the skin, which is key to ensuring rapid, comfortable healing.

Using a 1927 nm wavelength, LaseMD Ultra delivers heat deep within your skin to remodel the collagen matrix. This remodeling improves your skin’s structure and, consequently, reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

Choosing the Right Wrinkle Treatment

At The Longevity Lab, we’ll help you achieve the youthful, radiant skin you desire. Whether you’re concerned about fine lines, deep wrinkles, or sagging skin, our range of treatments—from Botox and dermal fillers to innovative solutions like Emface and Exion RF microneedling—ensures that you have access to the best wrinkle treatments in Denver.

By understanding the unique benefits of each treatment and how they address different aspects of your skin, we can make an informed decision that aligns with your aesthetic goals. Our team of experts is here to guide you through the process, helping you achieve the results you’re looking for while enhancing your natural beauty.

A Guide to Choosing Wrinkle Treatments

For Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Wrinkle relaxers, Exion RF microneedling, and LaseMD Ultra are great options for addressing fine lines and dynamic wrinkles.

For Deep Wrinkles & Volume Loss

Emface and biostimulators like Radiesse and Bellafill are ideal for deeper wrinkles and significant volume loss. These treatments not only provide immediate results but also stimulate collagen production for longer-lasting benefits.

For Sagging Skin

Emface, Exion RF microneedling, and biostimulators are excellent choices for lifting and tightening sagging skin. You may also find that combining two or more of our wrinkle treatments will yield the most significant improvements.

Providers at The Longevity Lab discussing wrinkle treatments in denver


Schedule a Consultation at The Longevity Lab

Don’t let wrinkles define you—embrace the opportunity to restore and rejuvenate with confidence at The Longevity Lab.

To learn which wrinkle treatments in Denver are right for your needs and goals, visit The Longevity Lab for a consultation. We’ll examine your medical history, assess your skin condition, and get to know you before we make our recommendation.

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